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Buy ebooks. Official ebooks to download

Ebookshoppe.com have been been selling eBook downloads for over 10 years and the company now has over 60,000 official version ebooks to purchase and download. Ebookshoppe offers the widest range of eBooks possible and across and as many formats as possible.

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e-book shop Ireland and UK


How to buy and download an ebook

  1. Create an account or sign in if you already have an account.
  2. Use the seacrh facility or browse for an ebook that you want
  3. Add the eBook you want to your basket - making sure you select your desired format .
  4. Complete the required details and payment option.
  5. When you have made your payment a screen will show with a link, click on this link to download the file. ebookshoppe will also send to you an email with this link on.
  6. You will be prompted to download Adobe Digital Editions if you have not already installed it. This software manages your eBooks and enables download of DRM protected eBooks..
  7. Please note that you can only download an eBook three (3) times, after the third download it will be locked.

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